Sunday, August 7, 2011

1st Stockpile Update

This is my stock pile!
This was taken today and this was after 4 shopping trips!

From left to right:
Nurti-Grain Bars-$1.88 at Albertsons
Jam-$2 at Albertsons
2 jars of Peanut Butter-$1.50 each at Safeway
2 Reach Floss-FREE! at Target
John Frieda Root Awakening- $2.99 each at Target
Ragu Sauce-$1at Safeway
Cereal-$1.00 each at Safeway
KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce- $.88 each at Safeway
Arm&Hammer Laundry Soap-$4.50 for 2 at Safeway
Downy Fabric Softener-$2.50 at Target
Beef Jerky-$2.00 at Albertsons
Face Wipes-$3.00 at Target
Bic Soliel Razors-$1.99 with $1 up+ reward at Rite Aid
Dawn Dish Soap- $.47 at Rite Aid

This is a mix between my stock pile and food storage. We are trying to build up our food storage in case of emergency. Each week my mom recieves an e-mail each week that gives a guide as to what items we should add to our food storage. Look here for the information and also I will update the list each week on the blog.

Happy Kouponing!

Getting Started

Here are some tips I would like to offer about starting to coupon:
 1* Organize your coupons-whether its an accordion folder, envelopes, sticky notes and paperclips, binder-keep them organized. Its much easier to use and look at your coupons when they are organized.
 2* Keep a log. I used an Excel spreadsheet and entered my coupons in. If you have alot of coupons it may be overwhelming so just do a little at a time. I started by entering one category at a time. The column labels I used are: category, manufacture vs. store coupon, amount of money coupon is worth, what product the coupon is good for, expiration date, and the size of the product it is limited to (if any). Also I like to keep track of how much money I have saved.
 3* Cut all coupons. You never know when you will see a good deal. If the product is only a few cents at the store and its a product that your family does not use, you can always donate it.
 4* Always read store coupon policies. I have also heard people say to print out and bring with you the policy because often the cashier may not know the store policy.
 5* Buy at least one Sunday paper on Saturdays. The Sunday paper has ALOT of coupons. Also look in the mail for Red Plum and Smart Source.
 6* When planning a shopping trip, make sure to have all the coupons you plan on using out and with your list. Bring your coupons with you to the store. You never know when you may find a good deal or when an item you have a coupon for might be on sale that wasn't advertised.
 7* Check for clearance items at your store. Coupons most of the time will work on clearance items and you can find even more savings with that. ***Another reason to bring the coupons!
8* To save the maximum amount of money, try to buy items that are on sale, use a store coupon with a manufacture coupon, and look for doublers at the store you shop at. Also keep a look out for buy one get one free or BOGO or B1G1. Alot of coupons are save X amount of money when you buy 2. So when a store is having a BOGO sale and you use your coupon you will get lots of savings.
    Example:  At Safeway, Arm&Hammer laundry detergent was $5.99 each. They were on sale for B1G1 free. I had a coupon for $1.00 off two and then I used a doubler.
    So originally I would have paid around $12 for 2 but I got 2 for about $4.50 which was a 62.5% savings!

I hope some of these tips are useful for your couponing. Let me know if you have any tips you would like me to add!

Happy Kouponing!

Getting to know the Kouponer

I'm Marit and I am a Kouponer.
Now, i am not your usual "extreme couponer" for two reasons:
1* I am no extreme couponer, but more so a more realistic couponer
2* I have no family to support because i am still in high school {find the coupons, sales, best prices and best stores, and my mom pays :) }

I started couponing at the beginning of July 2011. I started watching the show Extreme Couponing on TLC and instantly became fascinated. Then one of my cousins started explaining some of her couponing tricks. Since then i have been cutting, printing, and saving!

Not only do I use coupons, but I like to just save money by searching through weekly ads and using my stores reward cards. I live in the Portland area and shop and these stores
          1* Safeway
          2* Rite Aid
          3* Winco {Winco does not have a weekly ad or sales but does accept coupons. They have very low   prices, therefore I get alot of savings there by just using coupons.}
          4* Target
          5* Albertsons
          6* Fred Meyer

Here are some websites that REALLY helped me get started couponing:
 1* Couponing 101 I suggest reading this if you are interested in starting to coupon
 2*   This is where I get most of my online coupons
 3*     I shop at Target alot and love printing coupons off

This blog will show you some awesome deals I scored, the best stores to get specific products, and what coupons I have used.

Happy Kouponing!